Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas aftermath

I woke up this morning depressed. Christmas is over, all the buildup, all the "specialness", all over. And then what we are left with is the mess.

christmas mess

christmas aftermath


  1. That's why it is so important to me that the New Year holiday come a week later ;-)...I am already planning a big rollerskating adventure for our family to celebrate 2010. Gotta eeeeasse out of holiday mode.

    My sink is FUUUUULLLL of dishes still. It's really taking us days to catch up. Yikes!

  2. I'm all about Boxing Day. I think that one extra day of just chilling does the trick. Have a mellow, no-effort tradition of some kind. The Boxing Day luncheon is usually cold cuts, but I'm thinking...taco truck, then a movie. Leave the mess for a couple days. Seriously, it takes the edge off.
