Tuesday, November 14, 2017

A Day in the Life of a Homeschooler ....

I really do love the lifestyle of homeschooling. Today was an almost perfect homeschooling day, in my opinion:

(I took the day off work today so I could do this)

  • Mom is up at 5:45 to start chores and pack a lunch
  • The kids get up at 7am for their chores and breakfast. They went out to take care of the chickens and goats, made their own breakfasts, and got ready to go
  • 7:30 Dad left for work
  • 8:00 all the chores were done and Mom took 30 minutes to do emails for work
  • 8:30 departure for a field trip. Audiobooks (Murder on the Orient Express) in the car.
  • 10:00 field trip time at a Salmon Hatchery and Hydroelectric Dam with our homeschool group.

  • That lasted until 12:30, and then we drove back home, eating our packed lunch in the car and returning to our audiobook
  • 1:30 return to our town, grocery shopping together
  • 2:30 piano and guitar lessons at the music studio. Kids do language lesson apps while waiting their turn for their music lesson
  • 3:30, drive across town with a couple errands along the way
  • 4:00 sit down with one of the kids to do our online writing class through Bravewriter, while the other kid goes online to play on steam with friends. A couple shape poems uploaded to the class website and then ....
  • 5:00 kids do some chores (taking care of animals, again) while mom makes dinner
  • 6ish, dinner is done, Dad gets home from work, and we sit down to watch a movie (The Space Between Us, verdict "eh") together
  • 8:15ish, eldest presents his finished report on Frankenstein to Dad, who fills in the rubric Mom created for book reports
  • 8:45ish, both kids play some music for Dad from their latest pieces on piano and guitar
  • 9:15ish, kids off to bed, final chores of the evening for Mom and Dad, all to bed

Is every day like that? Not at all! Every day is completely different, but that's part of the appeal for me.