Thursday, November 5, 2009

My little critic

Ah, kids. They listen to what you say, and sometimes they say it right back to you. Sometimes it feels like it is my own inner critic being voiced through my son's mouth.

We had a lesson at church that I had done, where they read Horton Hatches An Egg to the kids and then we had an activity to make decorated bean shakers. Not my most brilliant lesson plan, but you know how those brain associations go sometimes. Horton Hatches An Egg -> egg shakers -> rhythm band activities -> let's make bean shakers!

Carbon's in the class, and he said during the lesson: "this is a fun activity, but it really has nothing to do with the story, Mom." The volunteer teacher gave me such a look!

Today I "cooked" for the first time since I came down with the flu a week ago. I threw together some polenta, a jar of marinated roast peppers, some pepperoni, and melted mozzarella cheese on it. A sort of polenta pizza bake.

Carbon picked at his dinner and then said "I don't think I should be eating this unhealthy food. Dairy is not good for you when you're sick."

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