I'm working on the Credentialing program for Religious Educators, which is a lot like taking on part time grad work as self-study, and I have a mentor that I work with once a month on the phone. We've just started this process, and she asked me how I plan to fit the study into my life.
Well. About like this, what I've pictured above. I need to take the books with me everywhere I go, snatch any time I can, and tuck study in to my life. So when I take the kids to the Children's Museum so that Carbon can take an art class, Hypatia plays while I study. Even if that means she plays on my legs while I hold the book just above the "playful puppy".
Saturday morning I took my laptop with me to the gym for Hypatia's gymnastics class. As I was sitting in the bleachers, working away on a powerpoint presentation for church, another mom started talking to me about how hard this is, to balance study and kids. She's in a nursing program, and has two young children, and shares many of the same struggles I do.
It's not easy being a mom, a student, a worker, all at the same time.
No, it's not, but you seem to be doing a FANTASTIC job.