Oh, what a day I've had! Up early, dragging the kids out of bed, then:
- 7:30 our ritual Sunday morning stop at the grocery store for gluten-free muffins, smoothies, and espresso (a once a week special treat)
- 8:00 arriving at church, to set up classrooms and get things all prepped for church
- 9:15 teaching a small "first service"
- 11:00 then leading a very large "second service" with Children's Chapel and special mixed age rotation method (an experiment, today was the first time we tried it and so that was an extra stress)
- 12:15 Right after we got done with that I just had time to clean up, and wave at my husband as he came to pick up the kids from me
- 12:30 With our minister, I lead a two hour session of a curriculum called "Articulating Your Faith" with our high school group
- 2:40 I had to dash from that to run downtown for a rock climbing party I had organized for all the kids from church. Twenty-seven kids and their parents came out for it - it was really fun and great. My husband brought our kids to it, so I saw them all there
- 5:10 From the party I had to go back to church to cook some soup and salad and host a Young Adult dinner and game night
- 5:30 I made soup and chatted with some families who had been there cooking dinner for the homeless camp we are hosting
- 6:00 The young adults arrived and I spent two hours with them eating and talking and playing games
- 8:15 I washed the dishes up and locked up the church and headed home
- 9:30 I put the kids to bed
A marathon of a Sunday!
What a full day! The kids are lucky to have such a committed RE Director!