Art is one of the subjects I don't feel comfortable teaching, so I'm always glad to find classes I can sign the kids up for and get them a qualified art teacher. This month, the Community Center has a series called "Drawing and Painting for Children", for four Saturday mornings. Carbon came home from class talking about perspective and about how impressed he was with the work of some of the older kids, but still totally happy with his own work.
That's a balance that I'm thrilled he has right now - he sees something he can aspire to, but he's not frustrated or ashamed of what he can do right now. When I was a child I found it incredibly frustrating that I couldn't make art that was "good enough", and I gave up. Hopefully my kids won't hit that wall, and can continue to enjoy their own creative process. And I'll keep signing them up for more, and stocking the art supplies at home as well.
We definitely need to do more's one of those things that gets put on the back burner, but it's so important! So glad Carbon is enjoying the class and that he's proud of his own creations!