Friday, January 7, 2011

Can't Do It All

Here is a relief: District Assembly for the Pacific Northwest District of the UUA is FULL. I was thinking I should go, and it's only a short 3 hour drive/train ride away, BUT this year it falls on the same day as Hypatia's birthday.

District Assembly or be here for my daughter's 5th birthday? Hmmmm.

I managed to miss Carbon's 5th birthday (I was in the hospital having my gallbladder removed) so there is precedent for me being gone on a birthday ...

So I was trying to figure out how I could do it all. When could we have a party on another day, who would watch the kids for me while I was gone, what would they do on her birthday so she still had a special day, etc. I was trying to figure out how to be SuperWoman and be in two places at once.

But all that worrying and plotting took so long that I didn't register until the DA was already full. They are doing DA on a smaller scale this year, in a large church instead of in a conference center, so they absolutely cannot exceed the capacity of the building. Yay for me!

As soon as I found out, I called the place Hypatia wants to have her kids party, and reserved a time for the day of her birthday. She's super-excited and now we are going to make some invitations today.

I'm just letting it go - I can't do it all.

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