Friday, July 2, 2010

Lego loving

The new Summer 2010 Lego Catalog recently arrived in the mail, and around here that is a Big Deal. It has been carried everywhere we go, taken to bed, and poured over for hours. Each time a new catalog comes out, Carbon discovers more legos that he just has to have.

But this time the catalog has been more inspiration and less consumer-fantasy. The new lego boardgames? Yeah - they are really cool! We bought the Minotaurus game when we were in legoland, and we all agree it's a pretty fun game. But with the new catalog out, Carbon has instead made up his own boardgames, as it turns out that it's really easy to design a board and playing pieces with legos.

"World Racers" is a new line in the catalog. It looks like a sort-of ultimate race with weapons and lots of different crazy vehicles. Carbon would love to buy some, but in the meantime he and his dad built racers from the existing lego collection and had their own "world race" across the living room floor.

This is why we all love legos - the creativity is pretty awesome.

lego racing

lego boardgames

1 comment:

  1. Yes! We're Lego lovers too, of course. KarateKid got Minotaurus for his birthday and we've been enjoying that, but have made up our own version of the "Creationary" game - because, really, why would we pay $35 for only 96 cards and a small pot of blocks when we can make up our own word cards (or pull some from Pictionary) and our own giant reserve of blocks? :) I love Lego creativity.
