Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A goal accomplished!

I have a list of goals that I hope my children will get out of their "educations", although my goals hardly fit in a traditional educational box. So far, there are 36 goals, but it is an ever expanding list. :)

But the boy has accomplished one of the goals! We can check it off his list and move on to some others! Goal number 31 on the list: Swim well-enough.

Like most of the goals, it could be ambiguous. What is "well-enough"? Carbon and I have decided that, for now, well-enough is that he can swim, dive, do several different strokes, make it up and down the length of the pool, and is very comfortable in the water. He could continue taking lessons, and there is one more level that the YMCA offers that he hasn't reached, but he doesn't want to and I don't see the need. So he's done with goal #31! Tomorrow will be his last lesson.

A few other goals we are not done with:

#7 take personal responsibility well
#12 be able to make plans and goals and follow them
#16 know history
#36 possess good communication and interpersonal skills

These are goals that will take a lifetime!

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