Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A very good sort of "less"


"Less" is my guiding word for this year, and I love this "less" that was in my power bill! We used Less electricity than we had used this time of year in 2010. A big part of that, I'm sure, was that my Dad came down last February and replaced our old (1950's!) forced air heater that we were using as our only source of heat, with two newer wall heaters so that we could turn on heat in the bedroom at night, and then turn on heat in the living room during the day. Just being newer and more efficient also helped.

I've got a bit lazy recently, though, and I'm using my dryer too much. I have a lovely drying rack that I can set up in my living room for laundry, and I just need to do that more often. There's still plenty of room to bring our power usage down farther.

1 comment:

  1. We're in the planning stages for our next house - our forever house - and we're implementing an "off the grid" mentality. I can't wait to get started on it.
