Friday, May 24, 2013

Things I've Found Interesting This Week


A few links to some stuff I've enjoyed this week:

Birds of North America done in Legos are very fun.

In the realm of educational interventions that seem totally unnecessary, Texas passed a bill to fight the War on Christmas.

A new study says that teens are tired of Facebook, which has lots of folks in youth ministry talking about how to reach them.  I don't think it will do any good to chase teens from one social media platform to the next, but the article is interesting anyway.

And in the wake of another tragedy, this post at For the Someday Book on Help That's Helpful: Do's and Don'ts After Disaster is a good reminder for us all.

Project-Based Homeschooling had a great post about The Sliver: How To Stop Fighting About Screentime

And Doug Muder wrote on UU World about "My Bloody Closet", a very thoughtful and thought-provoking essay about how to respond to the tragedy of the Bangladeshi factory collapse.

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