Saturday, August 13, 2011

the summer social scene


The kids have had a great summer, socially. Besides being in a few summer camps each, they also had church every Sunday morning and a weekly playgroup at the park and lots of play dates.

It may just be that the kids are getting older, but the whole play date thing is feeling like a lot less work. For one thing, parents don't stay at play dates anymore, so "play date" can also mean "childcare". I've had a semi-regular trade set up with another mom, where I took her kids in the morning then she took mine in the afternoon. That was a great way to have an afternoon to go into work and not take the kids with me. Trading childcare with another parent is a brilliant idea - it saves money, it gives the kids a varied social scene, and it's community building.

I also am very lucky to have friends who will consistently do me the favor of watching my kids - you know who you are and I appreciate you! In the great cycle of karma I've also watched a friend of Carbon's a few times this summer, providing free childcare while that family worked.

This year I set up a play group as well. It was a bit of administrative work for me:

  • I sent out invites to all the friends I could think of, surveying for the best time of week for a play group.
  • Once I had a time, I made a general announcement about the group and published that at church for anyone to join.
  • I picked a different park for each week and emailed out the schedule to everyone who had expressed interest.
  • And I sent out a reminder email the day before each play group, with directions to that park.
But that was it, and then folks showed up, with snacks to share. The parents would hang out around a picnic table, eating snacks, chatting, and doing some hand-sewing or knitting if they were so inclined, and the kids were off playing. I really enjoyed the time and it was wonderful for building a bit of community. Friendships were made or deepened, for both the kids and the adults.

I'll definitely make a play group again next year!

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