Monday, August 15, 2011

Homeschool planning


It is officially Back to School planning time, and I'm enjoying reading all the posts out there on homeschooling blogs with plans and curriculum lists and photos of school rooms.

So what are my plans for these two dirty, nintendo-playing ragamuffins? Not much - seriously for a plan-loving woman I have very few plans for the kids.

We will do school stuff.

We will do it almost every day.

There will be Math (math-u-see). There will be writing (Explode the Code). There will be reading (library books!).

There will be messy science experiments.

There will be nature study of a practical "what was that bird/plant/tree we just saw?" kind of variety.

We'll do unit studies. I can't say what they will be, as the kids will pick them, or how long they will last (until we feel ready to move on), but I know they will be there.

We're hoping there will be some Spanish language. At a minimum there will be "learn in the car" CD's leading up to our November trip to Mexico.

I've found some Meetups and groups for homeschoolers, so there will be Park Days and Museum Days and all those great things - and I'm sure there will be play dates as well.

There will be Home Ec, of course. Chores, cooking, animal care, building a new bed for the boy (he has elaborate ideas - we'll see).

There will be religious education classes at church. There will be board games, documentary movies, audio books, music, swim lessons, gymnastics, hikes, and settling in to our new home/mini-farm.

There's also Science and Art workshops at a local museum, and then a series of Drawing and Painting classes and a Magic Tricks class at the community center.

But I have no elaborate plans. No planner, no "assignments" penciled in, and no school room set up. What I have are two buckets to toss their stuff in - one for her and one for him - and one Log Book to just keep a record of what we do each day.

And that's the plan!

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