Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Work Camping Trip

(practicing fire-building before the vigil)

This weekend the Coming of Age group (an 8th grade Rite of Passage program through my church), did its culminating project - a camping trip with a lone vigil for each youth. This meant that I got to/had to go camping for work. And because of my husband's schedule and new job, I had to/got to take my children with me on this trip.

Overall, I am so fortunate in my job. How cool is it that I get to go on a community camping trip as part of my job? How cool is it that I share this experience with a bunch of 8th graders and their families and mentors? I've been mentoring one of the youth myself, and it's been a real privilege to be her mentor and meet with her weekly.

And how cool is it that I can take my kids on things like this with me? And someday, they will get to do these things themselves.

It was a really cool experience for me and for my kids. I had to leave early, in order to come back to town and get ready for Sunday worship and religious education classes. So right now, I'm thinking about the folks who are camped out on the beach, and wishing them all good weather and safety. Each youth is sitting in their own little space and trying to fast and not sleep for a 24 hour vigil. The adults on the beach are keeping them supplied with firewood and water, and are there in case of emergency. But this is still going to give the youth great stories to tell, and a very cool experience to look back on.


A youth "shelter" during the vigil

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