Monday, August 26, 2013

(Not) Back to School Time


It's the Back to School crazy time, with every school age family seeming to be engaged in both squeezing the last bit of fun out of summer and trying to get ready for going back to school this week or next.  All the fun places to go with kids are packed, and the stores are full of shoppers, and the roads are full of cars stuffed full of camping gear.

Not us.  We aren't at a transition point in our year - in fact we've logged in 30 school days already in July and August and September will just be more of the same.  I did let the kids pick out some new art stuff when I was out shopping for birthday presents, but that's it for the new school supplies, too.

When all the kids are getting out of school in the summer, my kids complain "it's not fair" because of our year-round schedule.  Now we come to the flip-side, and they are happy to tell their friends who go to school "I don't have to go back to school" when their friends complain.  Now they feel lucky, watching the school bus go past.

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