Monday, September 21, 2009

"me" time

I worked over 60 hours last week, as it was a crazy week at church and I had way to many commitments piled into one week. And when I work a 60 hour week, I still have to do all the homeschooling and all the household work and all the mom-stuff - so you will understand how exhausted I am after that!

Something has to give. I just cannot run myself this ragged.

One good thing is how amazing a tiny bit of "me" time can feel. Yesterday, after church, I left the kids with my husband and I ran to the plant nursery by myself for 30 minutes of plant browsing. It was heavenly to be engaged in a task that was completely non-essential, and to be all by myself.

It's also been a great help that I'm keeping up my daily yoga practice. It's just 10 minutes, but it starts the day off right, and I feel stronger and taller and more able to handle my day.

And I'm squeezing in some exercise. I get to the YMCA once or twice a week, and work out for about 40 minutes.

Just remember to put the "me" in "mommy".


  1. 60 hours! Gah! I'm glad you got a little time to yourself. It is healing.

  2. Robinella,

    Thank you - it is healing. :) Ideally, we should all get a little "me" time, a lot of "family" time, and every other variation of time in some sort of balance.
