Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back to School

Last week we started First Grade here. I felt like it was a big deal, so the week has been marked with things to make it feel more special to Carbon: new school supplies, new art supplies, a new method of setting up his work, a new routine, and finally, a new computer that is there "just for him".

We used to have one of those wall charts up, so that Carbon could put a little sticker in a box for everything he did each day. It was discouraging, though, when life happened in ways that didn't lead to any stickers, and it didn't really tell us what we had done specifically each day. So now I am just keeping notes in my journal, and the kids don't see them at all. What the journal entries look like so far:

8/17 First Day of First Grade. One page each of math, phonics, and spanish workpages. Read from the greek myths book, Read Born with a Bang: The Universe Tells Its Cosmic Story. Started a crystal growing experiment. Read a chapter of Little House in the Big Woods. Follow up idea: paint universe pictures and post them in a timeline.

8/18 Read Stories on Stone by Jennifer Owings Dewey. Math, spanish, and phonics. Greek myths and a chapter of Little House. Follow up idea: paint on rocks.

8/19 Read The Birth of the Earth by Jacqui Bailey and Matthew Lilly. Greek myths and Little House, and math, phonics, and spanish. Today his reading seemed to have suddenly improved.

8/20 Read Digging up Dinosaurs by Aliki, greek myths, Little House. Did math and phonics. Watched IMAX: Island of the Sharks.

8/21 Read greek myths and Little House. Did phonics and math. Played a boardgame and did yoga.

8/24 Read greek myths and Little House. Painted two pictures for the universe time line. Did math, spanish, and phonics. Practiced the piano. Got the computer set up and had a little lesson on how to navigate it.

8/25 Read greek myths and Little House. Did math, spanish, and phonics. Went to homeschool park meet-up, walked around Capitol Lake with a field guide. Played a math game on the computer. Helped cook and take dinner to the homeless camp.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're off to a good start. We're also starting first grade at our house. What Spanish program are you using?
