Wednesday, August 4, 2010

a very fun resource

evolution timeline

I have long been eyeing the Timeline of Life sold at Montessori Services, but the price is prohibitive. So when I was planning out my Chalice Camp and I knew I wanted to spend a day on Evolution, I looked for more affordable alternatives. Luckily, I found Charlie's Playhouse, a site dedicated to resources for teaching kids about evolution. At $49, the Giant Evolution Playmat is much more affordable, and there are also cards that can be purchased to go with the mat. The information is presented in a lively conversational tone, and the mat itself is sturdy enough that kids really can walk on it. I presented this to the class by reading the timeline while flipping it open, then letting them "walk through time" at their own pace before we spent some time passing out cards and having the kids place them where they belong on the timeline.

It's a great resource, which I think could be used again and again.

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